Streamline your property searches

Save time, money, and hassle by searching for and ordering property information in a single, intuitive portal.

Or use our flexible API to automate your internal processes and boost productivity across your entire organisation.

Boost productivity regardless of industry

Select your industry to find out more.

Lawyers and Conveyances

Harness the power of real-time property insights. Access detailed land records and titles effortlessly with our cloud solutions.

Financial Institutions

Streamline your operations with immediate access to property details. Simplify decision-making with comprehensive land and title information.

Real Estate Agents

Stay ahead with instant property data. Dive deep into titles, dealings, and caveats to inform your strategies.

Buyers and Sellers

Navigate the property landscape confidently. Discover essential details about your next investment with a quick search.

Other Professionals

Elevate your services with Australia-wide property intelligence. Rely on our platform for precise insights and advanced data retrieval.

Cloud-Based Solution

Available anywhere work happens

Whether your team is fully-remote or in offices around the world, our intuitive portal is always available online.

Quickly onboard and manage any number of users and monitor individual spending at anytime.

Available online - No installations required
Easily manage 1000s of users
All data securely stored within Australia
Integrate and automate

Looking to automate your workflow?
Connect to our API

Cut down on engineering time with our unified property information API.

We obsess over the maze of gateways, specifications and demands of the various LTO's, so that your team can build what you need quickly on one platform.

Built for developers
Assisted onboarding and integration support
Simple and intuitive design
Unified platform

A single solution for all Land Registries

Save time and reduce hassle by using our single portal or API for retrieving the property information you need.


The hub for New South Wales' land records and services.

VIC Landata

Victoria's central source for land titles and property data.


South Australia's platform for land information.

QLD Titles Registry

Queensland's official record for land ownership and interests.

WA Landgate

Western Australia's gateway to land and property information.


Northern Territory's integrated land information system.

TAS TheList

Tasmania's comprehensive database for land and property details.


Australian Capital Territory's land information service.


What our customers love

Experience the time and money savings our customers enjoy.

Michael B.
Real Estate

"How quickly our multi-region team was up and running was incredible. Hats off to the team at ALTS."

Joseph T.

"Everything I need is in one place. I don't have to hop around anymore."

Angela P.

"The time it takes to get the documents we need has dramatically reduced. As a result we are now processing matters much quicker."

Supercharge your workflow today

Sign up in less than 60 seconds or request a demo from one of our friendly staff today.